1,017 research outputs found

    Quantification and propagation of errors when converting vertebrate biomineral oxygen isotope data to temperature for palaeoclimate reconstruction

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    Oxygen isotope analysis of bioapatite in vertebrate remains (bones and teeth) is commonly used to address questions on palaeoclimate from the Eocene to the recent past. Researchers currently use a range of methods to calibrate their data, enabling the isotopic composition of precipitation and the air temperature to be estimated. In some situations the regression method used can significantly affect the resulting palaeoclimatic interpretations. Furthermore, to understand the uncertainties in the results, it is necessary to quantify the errors involved in calibration. Studies in which isotopic data are converted rarely address these points, and a better understanding of the calibration process is needed. This paper compares regression methods employed in recent publications to calibrate isotopic data for palaeoclimatic interpretation and determines that least-squares regression inverted to x=(y-b)/a is the most appropriate method to use for calibrating causal isotopic relationships. We also identify the main sources of error introduced at each conversion stage, and investigate ways to minimise this error. We demonstrate that larger sample sizes substantially reduce the uncertainties inherent within the calibration process: typical uncertainty in temperature inferred from a single sample is at least ±4°C, which multiple samples can reduce to ±1-2°C. Moreover, the gain even from one to four samples is greater than the gain from any further increases. We also show that when converting δ18Oprecipitation to temperature, use of annually averaged data can give significantly less uncertainty in inferred temperatures than use of monthly rainfall data. Equations and an online spreadsheet for the quantification of errors are provided for general use, and could be extended to contexts beyond the specific application of this paper.Palaeotemperature estimation from isotopic data can be highly informative for our understanding of past climates and their impact on humans and animals. However, for such estimates to be useful, there must be confidence in their accuracy, and this includes an assessment of calibration error. We give a series of recommendations for assessing uncertainty when making calibrations of δ18Obioapatite-δ18Oprecipitation-Temperature. Use of these guidelines will provide a more solid foundation for palaeoclimate inferences made from vertebrate isotopic data.We are grateful to the University of Cambridge (AJEP) and the Royal Society (RES) for financial support

    Serum Concentrations of Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Creatinine in Dogs with Naturally Occurring Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Citation: Hall, J. A., Yerramilli, M., Obare, E., Yerramilli, M., Almes, K., & Jewell, D. E. (2016). Serum Concentrations of Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Creatinine in Dogs with Naturally Occurring Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 30(3), 794-802. doi:10.1111/jvim.13942Background: Serum concentrations of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) detected chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats an average of 17.0 months before serum creatinine (Cr) concentrations increased above the reference interval. Objectives: To report on the utility of measuring serum SDMA concentrations in dogs for detection of CKD before diagnosis by measurement of serum Cr. Animals: CKD dogs (n = 19) included those persistently azotemic for ?3 months (n = 5), dogs that were azotemic at the time of death (n = 4), and nonazotemic dogs (n = 10). CKD dogs were compared with healthy control dogs (n = 20). Methods: Retrospective study, whereby serum Cr concentrations were determined by enzymatic colorimetry and serum SDMA concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in dogs with necropsy confirmed CKD. Results: Serum SDMA increased before serum Cr in 17 of 19 dogs (mean, 9.8 months; range, 2.2-27.0 months). Duration of elevations in serum SDMA concentrations before the dog developed azotemia (N = 1) or before the dog died (N = 1) was not determined. Serum SDMA and Cr concentrations were linearly related (r = 0.84; P < .001). Serum SDMA (r = -0.80) and serum Cr (r = -0.89) concentrations were significantly related to glomerular filtration rate (both P < .001). Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Using serum SDMA as a biomarker for CKD allows earlier detection of kidney dysfunction in dogs than does measurement of serum Cr. Earlier detection might be desirable for initiating renoprotective interventions that slow progression of kidney disease. © 2016 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine

    Strong but opposing effects of associational resistance and susceptibility on defense phenotype in an African savanna plant

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    The susceptibility of plants to herbivores can be strongly influenced by the identity, morphology and palatability of neighboring plants. While the defensive traits of neighbors often determine the mechanism and strength of associational resistance and susceptibility, the effect of neighbors on plant defense phenotype remains poorly understood. We used field surveys and a prickle-removal experiment in a semi-arid Kenyan savanna to evaluate the efficacy of physical defenses against large mammalian herbivores in a common understory plant, Solanum campylacanthum. We then quantified the respective effects of spinescent Acacia trees and short-statured grasses on browsing damage and prickle density in S. campylacanthum. We paired measurements of prickle density beneath and outside tree canopies with long-term herbivore-exclusion experiments to evaluate whether associational resistance reduced defense investment by decreasing browsing damage. Likewise, we compared defense phenotype within and outside pre-existing and experimentally created clearings to determine whether grass neighbors increased defense investment via associational susceptibility. Removing prickles increased the frequency of browsing by ~25%, and surveys of herbivory damage on defended leaves suggested that herbivores tended to avoid prickles. As predicted, associational resistance and susceptibility had opposing effects on plant phenotype: individuals growing beneath Acacia canopies (or, analogously, within large-herbivore exclosures) had a significantly lower proportion of their leaves browsed and produced ~ 70–80% fewer prickles than those outside refuges, whereas plants in grass-dominated clearings were more heavily browsed and produced nearly twice as many prickles as plants outside clearings. Our results demonstrate that associational resistance and susceptibility have strong, but opposing, effects on plant defense phenotype, and that variable herbivore damage is a major source of intraspecific variation in defense phenotype in this system

    Metabolomic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from cystic fibrosis patients

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    Metabolite profiles of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were correlated to the degree of airway inflammation using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based metabolomics. BALF was collected from 11 children with CF during clinically indicated bronchoscopy. The spectra from BALF with high levels of neutrophilic airway inflammation displayed signals from numerous metabolites, whereas the spectra from subjects with low levels of inflammation were very sparse. The metabolites identified in samples taken from subjects with high inflammation include known markers of inflammation such as amino acids and lactate, as well as many novel signals. Statistical analysis highlighted the most important metabolites that distinguished the high- from the low-inflammation groups. This first demonstration of metabolomics of human BALF shows that clear distinctions in the metabolic profiles can be observed between subjects experiencing high versus low inflammation and is a first step toward the goal of discovering novel biomarkers of airway inflammation

    A generalized framework unifying image registration and respiratory motion models and incorporating image reconstruction, for partial image data or full images

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    Surrogate-driven respiratory motion models relate the motion of the internal anatomy to easily acquired respiratory surrogate signals, such as the motion of the skin surface. They are usually built by first using image registration to determine the motion from a number of dynamic images, and then fitting a correspondence model relating the motion to the surrogate signals. In this paper we present a generalized framework that unifies the image registration and correspondence model fitting into a single optimization. This allows the use of 'partial' imaging data, such as individual slices, projections, or k-space data, where it would not be possible to determine the motion from an individual frame of data. Motion compensated image reconstruction can also be incorporated using an iterative approach, so that both the motion and a motion-free image can be estimated from the partial image data. The framework has been applied to real 4DCT, Cine CT, multi-slice CT, and multi-slice MR data, as well as simulated datasets from a computer phantom. This includes the use of a super-resolution reconstruction method for the multi-slice MR data. Good results were obtained for all datasets, including quantitative results for the 4DCT and phantom datasets where the ground truth motion was known or could be estimated

    Functional central limit theorems for vicious walkers

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    We consider the diffusion scaling limit of the vicious walker model that is a system of nonintersecting random walks. We prove a functional central limit theorem for the model and derive two types of nonintersecting Brownian motions, in which the nonintersecting condition is imposed in a finite time interval (0,T](0,T] for the first type and in an infinite time interval (0,∞)(0,\infty) for the second type, respectively. The limit process of the first type is a temporally inhomogeneous diffusion, and that of the second type is a temporally homogeneous diffusion that is identified with a Dyson's model of Brownian motions studied in the random matrix theory. We show that these two types of processes are related to each other by a multi-dimensional generalization of Imhof's relation, whose original form relates the Brownian meander and the three-dimensional Bessel process. We also study the vicious walkers with wall restriction and prove a functional central limit theorem in the diffusion scaling limit.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 20 pages, 2 figures, v6: minor corrections made for publicatio

    Twelve weeks of protracted venous infusion of fluorouracil (5-FU) is as effective as 6 months of bolus 5-FU and folinic acid as adjuvant treatment in colorectal cancer.

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    We performed a multicentre randomised trial to compare the efficacy and toxicity of 12 weeks of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) delivered by protracted intravenous infusion (PVI 5-FU) against the standard bolus regimen of 5-FU and folinic acid (5-FU/FA) given for 6 months as adjuvant treatment in colorectal cancer. A total of 716 patients with curatively resected Dukes' B or C colorectal cancer were randomised to 5-FU/FA (5-FU 425 mg m(-2) i.v. and FA 20 mg m(-2) i.v. bolus days 1-5 every 28 days for 6 months) or to PVI 5-FU alone (300 mg m(-2) day for 12 weeks). With a median follow-up of 19.8 months, 133 relapses and 77 deaths have been observed. Overall survival did not differ significantly (log rank P=0.764) between patients receiving 5-FU/FA and PVI 5-FU (3-year survival 83.2 vs 87.9%, respectively). Patients in the 5-FU/FA group had significantly worse relapse-free survival (RFS, log rank P=0.023) compared to those receiving PVI 5-FU (3-year RFS, 68.6 vs 80%, respectively). Grades 3-4 neutropenia, diarrhoea, stomatitis and severe alopecia were significantly less (P<0.0001) and global quality of life scores significantly better (P&<0.001) for patients in the PVI 5-FU treatment arm. In conclusion, infused 5-FU given over 12 weeks resulted in similar survival to bolus 5-FU and FA over a 6 month period, but with significantly less toxicity

    Effect of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activation on cardiac fibroblasts: A mechanism underlying RV fibrosis associated with cigarette smoke exposure

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    INTRODUCTION: Right ventricular dysfunction is associated with numerous smoking-related illnesses including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) where it is present even in absence of pulmonary hypertension. It is unknown if exposure to cigarette smoke has direct effects on RV function and cardiac fibroblast proliferation or collagen synthesis. In this study, we evaluated cardiac function and fibrosis in mice exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) and determined mechanisms of smoke-induced changes in cardiac fibroblast signaling and fibrosis. METHODS: AKR mice were exposed to cigarette smoke for six weeks followed by echocardiography and evaluation of cardiac hypertrophy, collagen content, and pulmonary muscularization. Proliferation and collagen content were evaluated in primary isolated rat cardiac fibroblasts (CF) exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) or nicotine. Markers of cell proliferation, fibrosis, and proliferative signaling were determined by immunoblot or Sircol collagen assay. RESULTS: Mice exposed to CS had significantly decreased RV function as determined by TAPSE. There were no changes in LV parameters. RV collagen content was significantly elevated but there was no change in RV hypertrophy or pulmonary vascular muscularization. CSE directly increased cardiac fibroblast proliferation and collagen content in CF. Nicotine alone reproduced these effects. CSE and nicotine-induced fibroblast proliferation and collagen content were mediated through α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and were dependent on PKC-α, PKC-δ, and reduced p38-MAPK phosphorylation. CONCLUSION: CS and nicotine have direct effects on cardiac fibroblasts to induce proliferation and fibrosis which may negatively affect right heart function

    Inflammation markers in healthy and periodontitis patients: a preliminary data screening

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    Advances in diagnostic research are moving towards methods whereby the periodontal risk can be identified and quantified by objective measures using biomarkers. Patients with periodontitis may have elevated circulating levels of specific inflammatory markers that can be correlated to the severity of the disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether differences in the serum levels of inflammatory biomarkers are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Twenty-five patients (8 healthy patients and 17 chronic periodontitis patients) were enrolled in the study. A 15 mL blood sample was used for identification of the inflammatory markers, with a human inflammatory flow cytometry multiplex assay. Among 24 assessed cytokines, only 3 (RANTES, MIG and Eotaxin) were statistically different between groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, some of the selected markers of inflammation are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Cytokine profile analysis may be further explored to distinguish the periodontitis patients from the ones free of disease and also to be used as a measure of risk. The present data, however, are limited and larger sample size studies are required to validate the findings of the specific biomarkers.Avanços no diagnóstico da doença periodontal levam a métodos nos quais o risco e atividade da doença periodontal podem ser identificados e quantificados por biomarcadores. Pacientes com periodontite podem apresentar elevados níveis circulatórios de marcadores inflamatórios específicos que podem ser correlacionados com a severidade da doença. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as diferenças nos níveis séricos de biomarcadores inflamatórios em pacientes saudáveis e com doença periodontal. Foram incluídos no estudo 25 pacientes (8 saudáveis e 17 com periodontite crônica). Uma amostra de 15 mL de sangue foi obtida para identificar os marcadores inflamatórios simultaneamente utilizando Array de proteínas através de citometria de fluxo. De 24 citocinas inflamatórias analisadas, apenas 3 (RANTES, MIG e Eotaxina) apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05) entre os dois grupos. Conclui-se que alguns marcadores inflamatórios selecionados apresentam diferença de concentração em pacientes com periodontite e saudáveis. A análise do perfil de citocinas pode ser utilizada tanto para distinguir pacientes periodontais de pacientes saudáveis, como para medir o risco à doença. Contudo, mais estudos com número maior de amostras são necessários para validar os achados sobre os biomarcadores específicos.FAPESPCNP

    Meson Spectroscopy in AdS/CFT with Flavour

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    We compute the meson spectrum of an N=2 super Yang-Mills theory with fundamental matter from its dual string theory on AdS_5 x S_5 with a D7-brane probe. For scalar and vector mesons with arbitrary R-charge the spectrum is computed in closed form by solving the equations for D7-brane fluctuations; for matter with non-zero mass m_q it is discrete, exhibits a mass gap of order m_q / sqrt(g_s N) and furnishes representations of SO(5) even though the manifest global symmetry of the theory is only SO(4). The spectrum of mesons with large spin J is obtained from semiclassical, rotating open strings attached to the D7-brane. It displays Regge-like behaviour for J << sqrt(g_s N), whereas for J >> sqrt(g_s N) it corresponds to that of two non-relativistic quarks bound by a Coulomb potential. Meson interactions, baryons and `giant gauge bosons' are briefly discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 39 pages, 4 figures, uses epsf. v2: typos corrected. references adde
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